Work ethically & sustainably
How can your company change and become more attractive by acting ethically and sustainably?
Do you want a quick solution? And should it be cheap too? And, between you and me, you want the whole thing to change as little as possible for you as a supplier? In itself, there is nothing to be said against a quick solution. But what if this solution comes at the expense of others, if your employees, partners, customers or users have to suffer disadvantages just because unfortunately an ignorant decision-maker takes the supposedly "easy" way?
Anyone who designs and delivers a product, system, or service to people is making decisions that affect the lives and work of others. An organization must understand that there are criteria for “good” and “bad” decisions. The criteria of the system design are based on international standards and scientific findings from areas such as human factors and ergonomics, design or anthropology.
The knowledge of good and bad criteria of our considerations and their consequences describes ethical action. This means that actions and decisions cannot only aim at short-term profit increase, but should pursue more fundamental and sustainable goals.
Even if companies are already investing in UX and product quality, there is usually still room for improvement when it comes to sustainability in the organization.
Sustainability Strategy Canvas
The Human-centered Organization Canvas
What are the individual services about, what are the results and benefits for you and your company!
Would you like to know more?
Bruckschwaiger, C., Lutsch, C. Demand-oriented innovation. Wirtsch Inform Manag (2021).
(German only)
© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Article on the topic
Demand-driven Innovation
3D capability model
"Strong ethics keep corporations healthy. Poor ethics make companies sick. Values are the immune system of every organisation."
Patrick Dixon
Acting ethically means being able to distinguish between "good" and "bad".
An organization that anchors such long-term strategies centrally is more robust in its work culture and innovative strength. Sustainability thus becomes an achievable, actionable quality goal and is no longer just a word in a company brochure.
Through our novel 3D Capability Model, we relate the dimensions of "need-orientation", "human-centricity" and "sustainability" and develop the world of "new work" together with you.
Enough with "good intentions"
Sustainability Strategy Canvas
The human-centric approach to making sustainability tangible!
Canvas to review decisions, developments and projects with regard to their effects and impacts on sustainability
Ethics Strategy
The knowledge of "good" and "bad" actions, as well as the awareness of the consequences of the actions - this is the core of an ethics that extends to everything and everyone in the organization and its products.
Corporate ethics are established, framework for ethical action in product and system design, improvement of work atmosphere, no future for "toxic employees" in the organization, no future for systems that want the right but reward the wrong!
Robust Systems Strategy
Systems, structures and processes that sustainably and robustly meet the challenges of the market and promote resilience in organizations.
Strategic paradigms for sustainable action, sustainability criteria for products, systems & services, decision trees to identify sustainable measures
Human-centered Organisation Canvas
Corporate Social Responsibility for resilient and agile organizations
Modern corporate culture established, responsible roles and their activities located, accountable parties identified